Fifty-three hours of blue-water swimming … 110 miles from
Cuba to Florida … … her fifth try in three decades.
It was just about 30 years ago that I was on a first-name
basis with the living legend who is Diana Nyad.
Diana Nyad, when I knew her
I had just been named chief communications officer for IBM’s
newly launched software business unit, and I was pulling together the unit’s
first conference for 700-some managers. I hired Diana to be our motivational
It was 1985 and Diana Nyad, then in her mid-thirties, had
become a national celebrity for her 28-mile swim around Manhattan in less than
eight hours.
She had already made her first attempt at the Cuba-Florida
run in 1978. When that effort failed, she followed a year later with a
successful 102-mile swim from the Bahamas to Florida in 27 hours.
I no longer recall exactly what she said at our 1985 conference,
but I do vividly remember two things about her as she sat beside me in the
front row waiting to give her talk:
Her beautiful legs, as sculpted as a Greek statue
from untold hours of flutter kicks in pools and oceans
And, unseen by the audience, her pre-speech
It was an odd thing to observe how someone as fearless as
Diana Nyad – someone accustomed to being on the professional speaker circuit all
those years -- could be so nervous about getting up on stage.
After all, her very name summons up images of the strong females
of antiquity.
Diana, for
example, was the name of the Roman goddess of the hunt.
And the name Nyad was
explained in a Newsweek story:
When she was around six years old,
her stepfather [Aristotle Nyad] showed her the word naiad (the original
spelling of the family name) in a dictionary. The time, she stated, was "just at the juncture when I was developing an ego, the id of
self-definition. The first meaning of naiad: 'from Greek mythology, the
nymphs that swam the lakes, fountains, rivers and seas to protect them for the
gods. The second meaning: 'girl or woman champion swimmer.' Aris winked at me,
and we both understood that this was my destiny."
I guess we have to call to mind Jerry Seinfeld’s unforgettable
stand-up routine about the stress of public speaking:
“According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.”
During the years since Diana Nyad spoke to our IBM
conference, she went on to be a respected media reporter and commentator.
And earlier this month she made her career dream come true when she
shuffled onto the shore of Key West.
In overcoming four Cuba-to-Florida setbacks and in dealing
with her fear of public speaking, Diana Nyad surely followed her own mantra:
''All of us suffer heartaches and difficulties in our lives. If you say to yourself, 'find a way,' you’ll make it through.''
In my next blog: But who's counting?
"Find a way" reminds me of what you always told me, in your grandmother's words, who left Ukraine at 16 with nothing: "Push yourself."